Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 12 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 12 months
Valid for: 12 months
Valid for: 36 months
Valid for: 36 months
Duration: 2 hour awareness session
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: £40 per person
Suitable for friends or family members of anaphylaxis sufferers, school teachers and first aiders. It’s also useful as an additional training module to any of our other first aid courses.
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: ½ day (4 contact hours)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: £25 per person (discounts offered for full courses of 12 people)
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: Available from 2 hour to full 6 hour courses (with ongoing assessment). These courses can be altered to suit your needs
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: from £5 per person (discounts offered for full courses)
This training can be altered to fit particular age-ranges or activities (e.g. DofE Awards, Scout and Guide Emergency Aid Awards, School groups, Young Lifeguards, Military Cadets). Please contact to us to discuss your requirements.
Any combination of the following (depending on the level of detail required):
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 1 day (6 contact hours with on going and end of course assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: £80 per person (discounts available for full courses of 12 people)
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 2 days (12 hours contact time with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years with advisory annual refresher
Cost: £85 per person (discounts available for full courses of 12 people)
Ideal for Childminders, Nursery schools, Primary school teachers and youth groups. This training can be altered to fit the particular age-range or activities you cater for.
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Welcome to our HBA Training course, Baby and Child First Aid.
Our 3-hour baby and child first aid course is designed for new and expectant parents, grandparents, carers and anyone who spends time looking after babies and children and wishes to have a knowledge of first aid. This session provides awareness of a variety of first aid emergencies affecting babies and young children including how to perform a primary survey, what to do in case your baby or child becomes unresponsive, begins to choke, has a seizure or stops breathing.
This course is delivered in a relaxed, comfortable environment and can be a useful additional training module to any of our other First Aid courses.
When you choose a course with HBA Training, professionalism, relevance, and quality are our utmost priorities. During this Baby and Child First Aid course, you will cover the following subjects:
Use of available equipment, Planning for first aid emergencies, Assess the situation to provide early, appropriate, and effective first aid in any emergencies, Seizures (febrile convulsions, epilepsy), Wounds and bleeding, Anaphylactic shock, Choking, Primary survey, Treatment of the unconscious casualty, Minor and severe burns and scalds, Recognition and treatment of sudden illnesses including meningitis, Child and baby cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: ½ day (4 contact hours)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: £25 per person (discounts offered for full courses of 12 people)
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 1 day (6 contact hours with on going and end of course assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: £80 per person (discounts available for full courses of 12 people)
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 1 day (6 hours contact time with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years from date of successfully completing assessment
Cost: £45 per person (discounts available for full courses of 12 people)
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) state that “The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. These Regulations apply to all workplaces including those with less than five employees and to the self-employed.”
Duration: 1 day (6 contact hours with end of course assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years with advisory annual refresher
Cost: £60 per person (discount available for full courses of 12 attendees)
“HSE strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training, over half a day, during any three-year certification period. Although not mandatory, this will help qualified first-aiders maintain their basic skills and keep up to date with any changes to first-aid procedures.”
Not sure which HSE course would suit your workplace? Click here to view the HSE First Aid Assessment Tool.
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) state that “The Health and Safety (First-Aid) Regulations 1981 require employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to ensure their employees receive immediate attention if they are injured or taken ill at work. These Regulations apply to all workplaces including those with less than five employees and to the self-employed.”
Duration: 3 days (18 contact hours with ongoing and end of course assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years with advisory annual refresher
Cost: £160 per person (discount available for full courses of 12 attendees)
“HSE strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training, over half a day, during any three-year certification period. Although not mandatory, this will help qualified first-aiders maintain their basic skills and keep up to date with any changes to first-aid procedures.”
Not sure which HSE course would suit your workplace? Click here to view the HSE First Aid Assessment Tool.
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
HSE strongly recommends that first-aiders undertake annual refresher training, over half a day, during any three-year certification period. Although not mandatory, this will help qualified first-aiders maintain their basic skills and keep up to date with any changes to first-aid procedures.
Duration: ½ day (4 contact hours with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 1 year
Cost: FREE for the first year (if previous training carried out through HBA), £40 per person for the second year (discount available for full courses of 12 attendees)
Not sure which HSE course would suit your workplace? Click here to view the HSE First Aid Assessment Tool.
Valid for: 12 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: Available from 2 hour to full 6 hour courses (with ongoing assessment). These courses can be altered to suit your needs
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: from £5 per person (discounts offered for full courses)
This training can be altered to fit particular age-ranges or activities (e.g. DofE Awards, Scout and Guide Emergency Aid Awards, School groups, Young Lifeguards, Military Cadets). Please contact to us to discuss your requirements.
Any combination of the following (depending on the level of detail required):
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 2 days (12 hours contact time with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years with advisory annual refresher
Cost: £85 per person (discounts available for full courses of 12 people)
Ideal for Childminders, Nursery schools, Primary school teachers and youth groups. This training can be altered to fit the particular age-range or activities you cater for.
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 1 day (6 hours contact time with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 1 day (6 hours contact time with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 1 day (6 hours contact time with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: From £40 per person
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Welcome to our HBA Training first aid courses for outdoor activities.
These courses are suitable for anyone undertaking outdoor activities, adventurous journeys or leading groups outdoors including Scout and Guide leaders, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award leaders or participants, military Cadet Forces. The courses provide awareness of a variety of first aid emergencies you may come across in the great outdoors including how to perform a primary survey, what to do if one of your team or party becomes unresponsive, begins to choke, has a seizure, suffers and injury or stops breathing.
This course can delivered in a range of environments to suit your circumstances and can be covered as a 3 or 6 hour course depending on your requirements.
When you choose a course with HBA Training, professionalism, relevance, and quality are our utmost priorities.
During the three hour Outdoor Activity First Aid course, you will cover the following subjects:
Priorities of First Aid, Reporting incidents, Use of available equipment, Assess the situation to provide early, appropriate and effective first aid in an emergency, Primary Survey, Secondary Survey, Treatment of the unconscious casualty, Recovery Position, Choking, Anaphylaxis, Shock, Wounds and bleeding (including foreign bodies and eye injuries), Burns and scalds, Spinal Injuries, Treatment of injuries to bones, joints and muscles (strains, sprains and fractures), Cardio pulmonary resuscitation (CPR).
Our six hour course covers the following additional subjects:
Head Injuries, Crush Injuries, Diabetic emergencies, Asthma, Effects of hot and cold, Fainting, Seizures, Bites and stings, Poisoning, Strokes, Chest pain.
We can also cover the safe removal of helmets as an additional, totally optional unit.
Do please speak to us if you’d like to build a course to specifically meet your requirements.
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 1 hour session
Validity: Valid for 1 year
Cost: £190 per session (up to 30 attendees)
A short session introducing the core elements of the 2015 Resuscitation Council (UK) guidelines. CPD certificates are provided for all attendees.
We can also build a course to your requirements and can offer this as a yearly refresher.
Valid for: 12 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Welcome to our HBA Training Basic Life Support course for Primary Dental Care.
This course is suitable for anyone working in the primary dental care environment. It is a short session introducing the core elements of the Resuscitation Council UK 2015 guidelines, including the recent COVID-19 updated advice. CPD certificates are provided for all attendees.
When you choose a course with HBA Training, professionalism, relevance, and quality are our utmost priorities.
During this one hour session, you will cover the following subjects:
Incident management, Infection prevention and control, Reporting incidents and actions, Use of available equipment, Primary survey, Unconscious casualty, Secondary survey, Choking (adult, child and baby), Anaphylaxis awareness, Use of auto-injector pens, CPR (all ages) including use of a pocket mask or bag-valve mask with supplemental oxygen, Use of an AED.
We can also build a course to suit your requirements and offer this as a yearly refresher.
Valid for: 12 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 0.5 days (4 contact hours with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: £60 per person (discounts available for full courses of 12 people)
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr
Duration: 1 day (6 contact hours with ongoing assessment)
Validity: Valid for 3 years
Cost: £60 per person (discounts available for full courses of 12 people)
Valid for: 36 months
Starting from: £0
Average length of class: 0hr